Computerized Finite-Difference Method to Calculate Transient Heat Conduction with Thawing


  • H. Peter Steinhagen


Heat transfer computer program, thawing model, phase change, nonlinear heat conduction


Transient temperature profiles of frozen logs subjected to axisymmetric thawing and heating were calculated by a temperature method and an enthalpy method. The present paper discusses only the temperature method, which uses the conventional (temperature) formulation of the nonlinear heat conduction equation. This approach required the specification of a thawing temperature interval over which the latent heal was incorporated in the specific heat. Thermal properties were varied with position and temperature, and changed discontinuously with the phase. The log surface temperature was specified. The computerized finite-difference program HEAT was used in conjunction with this method. Computed temperature profiles were in overall agreement with experimental data obtained from heating logs in agitated water.


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