Strength and Related Properties of Knobcone Pine


  • Arno P. Schniewind
  • Barry W. Gammon


Pinus attenuata, mechanical properties, static bending, compression parallel-to-grain, compression perpendicular-to-grain, tension parallel-to-grain, toughness, shear, cleavage, modulus of rupture, modulus of elasticity, hardness, shrinkage, specific gravity


The mechanical properties of knobcone pine (Pinus attenuata Lemm.) were evaluated using the second 8-ft log from the butt of ten trees selected from a stand in Siskiyou County, California. The trees, averaging 71 ft in height and 14 in. dbh, had a growth rate of 12 rings per inch at the stump and a specific gravity of 0.38, based on green volume and oven-dry mass. Specimens were selected and tested in accordance with ASTM D143-52 in both green and air-dry conditions. Adjusted to 12% moisture content, knobcone pine has a modulus of rupture and modulus of elasticity in static bending of 10,800 psi and 1,500,000 psi, respectively, a maximum crushing strength parallel-to-grain of 5,640 psi, and a shear strength parallel-to-grain of 980 psi. These results show that knobcone pine is similar to ponderosa pine in strength and stiffness.


American Society for Testing and Materials. 1980. Annual book of ASTM Standards, Pt. 22. ASTM, Philadelphia, PA.nCritchfield, W. B., and E. L. Little. 1966. Geographic distribution of the pines of the world. USDA, Misc. Pub. 991, Washington, DC.nSargent, C. S. 1884. Report on the forests of North America. Dep. Interior, Census Office, Washington, DC.nSiau, J. F. 1971. Flow in wood. Syracuse Univ. Press, Syracuse, NY.nSudworth, G. B. 1908. Forest trees of the Pacific slope. U.S. Forest Service, Washington, DC.nU.S. Forest Products Laboratory. 1974. Wood Handbook. Agric. Handb. 72, USDA, Washington, DC.n






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