Influence of Vertical Density Distribution on Bending Modulus of Elasticity of Wood Composite Panels: A Theoretical Consideration


  • Wei Xu


Density, laminate theory, modulus of elasticity, wood composite panels, vertical density distribution


Vertical density distribution (VDD) has long been recognized as an important structural characteristic of wood composite panels. However, only a qualitative understanding of its influence on board properties has been achieved. This paper reports a theoretical consideration of the influence of VDD on bending modulus of elasticity (MOE) of composites. The consideration was based on the construction of VDD with a trigonometric function, linear layer MOE—layer density relationship, and laminate theory. Theoretical consideration shows that MOE benefits from the high density surface layer and increases linearly with the increase of peak density, but maximum MOE does not occur when peak density is right at the board surface.


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