Bark Structure of Southern Upland Oaks
<i>Qiicrcus</i> spp, anatomy, bark, oaks, phloem, periderm, rhytidomeAbstract
Bark structure of eleven oak species commonly found on southern pine sites was examined and described. In inner bark (phloem), groups of thick-walled lignified fibers and sclereids are interspersed among thin-walled cellulosie elements (parenchyma, sieve tube members, and companion cells). These fibers and selereids greatly influence the bark's density, hardness, and other physical and mechanical characteristics. The innermost periderm is the boundary between inner and outer bark. In oriter bark (rhytidome), areas of collapsed, dead phloem are enclosed by periderm layers. Periderm shape and spacing vary greatly within species. Great differences in exterior roughness and bark thickness also occur within species.References
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