Potential Failure of A Decayed Tree Under Wind Loading
Balsam fir, cracking, collapse, decay, failure, forecasting, reliability analysis, windAbstract
Trees with decayed wood that are subject to moderate winds often collapse and cause property damage or injury and death to people. The purpose of this paper is to describe a decision-making aid to help identify a tree that may fail in the forest or be a potential hazard in the city. A tree may fail when the probability of radial shear cracks developing for a given wind load is sufficiently high.
Mathematical models are used to estimate the constant wind force on trees and to evaluate the cracking and collapse mechanisms under this loading. The physical dimensions are used to determine the wind force or drag on the tree, and the amount of decay in the tree is used to determine its ability to resist this load. Owing to uncertainties associated with accurately measuring and modeling a decayed tree, estimating the wind load, and specifying the wood strength of a tree species, reliability analysis is used to assess the potential risk of failure. Coupling this information with meteorological data for the largest wind speed value expected at the tree site and the topography of the tree site completes the analysis of potential failure. Case studies of balsam fir trees with the same exterior diameters but with different dimensions of decay columns, tree weights, tree heights, and wind speed conditions are analyzed and compared.
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