Forest Products for Building Construction
Wood construction, lumber, wood-base panels, fasteners, plywoodAbstract
Wood buildings may be of light frame-type as in residential and light industrial construction or heavy timber-type as in warehouses and other industrial/commercial buildings. In either case, the primary elements making up the structure are framing members; covering materials for roofs, walls, and floors; and connections within and between framing members and covering materials. Framing members include 2-inch dimension lumber, solid timbers, glulam beams, and various built-up beams and trusses. Covering materials may be boards, solid or laminated lumber, plywood, various other wood-base panel products, or some combination of these. Connecting systems include adhesives and such mechanical fasteners as nails, staples, screws, bolts, and metal plate connectors.
Design properties and specifying procedures for these various wood building materials and their connectors are discussed in some detail in this paper, and sources for further information are referenced.
American Institute of Timber Construction. 1974. Timber construction manual, 2nd ed. AITC, Englewood, CO. Pp. 134-135.nAmerican National Standards Institute. 1979. ANSI Standard A 208.1-1979. Mat-formed wood particleboard. Amer. Nat. Stds. Inst., NY.nAmerican National Standards Institute. 1979. ANSI standard specifications and dimensions for wood poles. ANSI specification 05.1.nAmerican Society for Testing and Materials. 1927 and subsequent editions. Standard methods for establishing structural grades and related allowable properties for visually graded lumber, ASTM D-245. Philadelphia. PA.nAmerican Society for Testing and Materials. 1972. Standard specification for insulating board (cellulosic fiber), structural and decorative. ASTM C-208. Philadelphia. PA.nAmerican Society for Testing and Materials. 1973. Standard specification for round timber piles. ASTM D-25. Philadelphia. PA.nAmerican Society for Testing and Materials. 1974a. Standard specification for insulating formboard (cellulosic fiber). ASTM C-532. Philadelphia. PA.nAmerican Society for Testing and Materials. 1974b. Standard method for establishing design stresses for round timber piles. ASTM D-2899. Philadelphia. PA.nAmerican Society for Testing and Materials. 1974c. Standard specification and methods for establishing recommended design stresses for round timber construction poles. ASTM D-3200. Philadelphia. PA.nAmerican Society for Testing and Materials. 1975. Standard specification for fiberboard nail-base sheathing. ASTM D-2277. Philadelphia. PA.nAmerican Society for Testing and Materials. 1976. Standard nomenclature of domestic hardwoods and softwoods. ASTM D-1165. Philadelphia. PA.nAmerican Society for Testing and Materials. 1978a. Standard methods for establishing clearwood strength values. ASTM D-2555. Philadelphia. PA.nAmerican Society for Testing and Materials. 1978b. Standard specification for adhesives for field-gluing plywood to framing for floor systems. ASTM D-3498. Philadelphia, PA.nAmerican Society for Testing and Materials. 1978c. Standard method for establishing stresses for structural glued laminated timber (glulam) manufactured from visually graded lumber. ASTM D-3737. Philadelphia, PA.nAmerican Society of Civil Engineers. 1975. Wood structures: A design guide and commentary. Compiled by Task Committee on Status-of-the-Art: Wood. Committee on Wood. ASCE Structural Division, New York, NY. 416 pp.nAmerican Wood Preservers' Association, American Wood Preservers' Association Standards. 1980. AWPA. Washington, DC. Including: AWPA Standard CI, "All timber products—Preservative treatment by pressure processes"; AWPA Standard C23, "Round poles and posts used in building construction—Preservative treatment by pressure processes"; AWPA M 4. "Standard for the care of preservative treated wood products."nAmerican Wood Preservers' Institute. 1975. FHA pole house construction, 2nd ed., AWPI. McLean. VA. 32 pp.nAnderson, L. O. 1970. Wood-frame house construction. USDA For. Serv. Agric. Handb. No. 73. 223 pp.nBendtsen, B. A., R. L. Ethington, and W. L., Galligan. 1975. Properties of major southern pines, part II. Structural properties and specific gravity. USDA For. Serv. Res. Pap. FPL 177. For. Prod. Lab., Madison. WI.nBendtsen, B. A., and W. L. Galligan. 1978. Driving allowable properties of lumber—A practical guide for interpretation of ASTM standards. USDA For. Serv. Gen. Tech. Rep. FPL 20, For. Prod. Lab., Madison, WI.nBlomquist, R. F., and C. B. Virk. 1977. Adhesives for building construction. Ch. 49, pages 745-775 in Handbook of adhesives. Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York, NY.nBraun, M. O., and R. C. Moody. 1977. Bending strength of small glulam beams with a laminated-veneer tension lamination. For. Prod. J.27(11):46-51.nBritish Standards Institute. 1971. The structural use of timber. British Standard Code of Practice: CP 112, Ammendment No. 4, London, England.nCarney, J. M. (Editor). 1977. Plywood composite panels for floors and roofs: Summary report. USDA For. Serv. Res. Pap. SE-163. Southeastern Res. Sta., Asheville, NC.nChow, P., P. D. Nowack. and H.-J. Deppe. 1978. Utilization and specification of wood and wood-base materials in West Germany. For. Prod. J.28(12):17-20.nDuff, J. E., G. A. Koenigshof, and D. C. Wittenberg. 1978. Performance standards for Comply floor joists. USDA For. Serv. Res. Pap. SE-192. Southeastern Res. Sta., Asheville. NC.nElliot, S., and E. Wallas. 1977. The timber framing book. Housesmith Press.nForest Products Research Society. 1976. Cover story. For. Prod. J.26(1):3.nGalligan, W. L., C. C. Gerhards, and R. L. Ethington. 1979. Evolution of allowable tension stresses for lumber. USDA For. Serv. Gen. Tech. Rep. FPL 28. For. Prod. Lab., Madison, WI.nGalligan, W. L., D. V. Snodgrass, and G. W. Crow. 1977. Machine stress rating: practical concerns for lumber producers. USDA For. Serv. Gen. Tech. Rep. FPL. 7, For. Prod. Lab., Madison, WI.nGillespie, R. H. 1975. Adhesives for structural connections. Section 9.3. pp. 249-262. of reference ASCE. 1975.nGillespie, R. H., D. Countryman, and R. F. Blomquist. 1978. Adhesives in building construction. USDA Agric Handb. No. 516. 160 pp.nGurfinkfi, G. 1973. Wood engineering Southern Forest Products Association. New Orleans, LA. 537 pp.nHoyle, R. J. 1968. Background to machine stress grading. For. Prod. J.18(4):87-97.nHoyle, R. J. 1973. Wood technology in the design of structures. Mountain Press Pub. Co., Missoula. MT. 370 pp.nHunt, M. O. 1975. Structural particleboard for webs of composite beams? For. Prod. J.25(2):55-57.nHunt, M. O., W. L. Hoover, D. A. Fergus, W. F. Lehman, and J. D. McNatt. 1978. Red oak structural particleboard for industrial/commercial roof decking. Purdue Univ. Agric Exp. Sta., West Lafayette. IN.nJohnson, J. W. 1974. Strength and stiffness of roof diaphragms with different percentages of the desk edge-glued. For. Prod. J.24(4):36-37.nKallio, E., and W. L. Galligan. 1978. Factors affecting the use of lumber by truss fabricators in the United States. For. Prod. J.28(3): 15-18.nKantor, H. 1972. Need stress-rated lumber? One company makes its own. Wood and Wood Prod.77(7):27-28.nKoenigshof, G. A. 1979. Status of COM-PLY floor joist research. For. Prod. J.29(11):37-42.nKunesh, R. H. 1978. Micro-Lam: Structural laminated veneer lumber. For. Prod. J.28(7):41-44.nLundgren, S. A. 1957. Hardboard as a construction material—A viscoelastic material. (In German) Holz Roh Werkst.15(1):19-23.nMcNatt, J. D. 1970. Design stresses for hardboard—Effect of rate, duration, and repeated loading. For. Prod. J.20(1):53-60.nMcNatt, J. D. 1980. Hardboard-webbed beams: Research and application. For. Prod. J.30(10):57-64.nMoody, R. C. 1972. Tensile strength of lumber laminated from 1/8-inch-thick veneers. USDA For. Serv. Res. Pap. FPL 181, For. Prod. Lab., Madison. WI.nMoody, R. C., P. T. Nicholas, and S. P. Fox. 1975. Glued laminated timber construction, Ch. 4, pages 119-139, of reference ASCE 1975.nNational Association of Home Manufacturers. 1980. Guide to manufactured homes. NAHM. Falls Church. VA.nNational Forest Products Association. 1977. National design specification for wood construction. Washington, DC.nNelson, S. A. 1975. Open-webbed composite wood-steel trusses, Section 8.4.2, pp. 202-205. of reference ASCE 1975.nNelson, S. A. 1972. Structural applications of Micro-Lam lumber. Am. Soc. of Civil Eng. preprint No. 1714. ASCE, NY.nPearson, R. G. 1977. An interim industry standard for deriving allowable unit values for structural particleboard in bending. Pages 333-350 in Proc. IIth Washington State University Symposium on Particleboard. Pullman, WA.nPercival, D. H., and S. K. Suddarth. 1975. Light-frame construction. Section 10.2. pp. 289-313, of reference ASCE 1975.nRamaker, T. J., and M. D. Davister. 1972. Predicting performance of hardboard in I-beams. USDA For. Serv. Res. Pap. FPL 185, For. Prod. Lab., Madison, WI.nRose, J. D. 1970. Field-glued plywood floor tests. Am. Plywood Assoc. Lab., Rep. 118.nSouthern Forest Products Association. 1975. Southern pine manual of standard wood construction. 17th ed., New Orleans. LA.nSuperfesky, M. J., and T. J. Ramaker. 1978. Hardboard-webbed I-beams: Effects of long-term loading and loading environment. USDA For. Serv. Res. Pap. FPL 306. For. Prod. Lab., Madison, WI.nSuperfesky, M. J., and T. J. Ramaker. 1976. Hardboard-webbed I-beams subjected to short-term loading. USDA For. Serv. Res. Pap. FPL 264, For. Prod. Lab., Madison, WI.nSvensk Byggnorm. 1975. Timber construction. Ch. 27 (2nd ed.), Statens Planverk, Stockholm. Sweden.nTissell, J. R. 1966. Horizontal plywood diaphragm tests. Am. Plywood Assoc. Lab., Rep. 106.nTuomi, R. L., G. E. Hans, and D. J. Stith. 1978. Fabrication, transportation, and erection of a prototype truss-framed house. USDA For. Serv., unnumbered report. For. Prod. Lab., Madison, WI.nU.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Products Laboratory Press-Lam Research Team. 1972. FPL press-lam process: Fast, efficient conversion of logs into structural products. For. Prod. J.22(11):11-18.nU.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Products Laboratory. 1974. Wood handbook. Agric. Handb. No. 72. Ch. 6.nU.S. Department of Commerce. 1970. American softwood lumber standard NBS voluntary product standard PS 20-70. National Bureau of Standards.nU.S. Department of Commerce. 1973a. PS 56-73, NBS voluntary product standard for structural glued laminated timber, National Bureau of Standards. Washington, DC.nU.S. Department of Commerce. 1973b. PS 57-73, NBS voluntary product standard for cellulosic fiber insulation board. National Bureau of Standards. Washington. DC.nU.S. Department of Commerce. 1973c. 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